Lewis Aptekar: Warning Signs of Child Abuse

As one who has studied and written on the plight of disadvantaged children around the world – particularly those coping with issues of extreme poverty and homelessness – former SJSU professor Lewis Aptekar has come to understand just how impactful child abuse and neglect are and can be in a young person’s life.
Lewis Aptekar

Child abuse – be it physical, sexual or emotional – can often leave a serious and lasting scar on a child, and can impact their wellbeing, health and happiness for the rest of their life. Therefore, it is crucial to identify warning signs as early as possible – those which can often manifest themselves in a number of forms:

·         Physical bruising, scarring, headaches or pain on a regular basis.
·         The avoidance of touching or physical contact.
·         General withdrawal from normal routine, activities and friends.
·         Extreme behavior, including acting out regularly or becoming way too obedient.
·         Low self-esteem or depression.
·         Sudden dips or changes in academic performance.


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